Omul aspiră la libertate, dar în egală măsură se şi teme de ea. Căutarea aceasta se adresează mai mult individului decât omului social. Şi se poate dovedi cumplit să ramâi singur, cu libertatea ta. Omul are nevoie de legături, are nevoie să se simtă protejat, ca membru al unei comunităţi. Şi are nu mai puţină nevoie de a crede în ceva cu semnificaţie mai înaltă decât existenţa lui efemeră. Toţi muritorii visează la liberate dar puţini sunt cei dispusi sa evadeze cu adevărat din îngusta lor inchisoare. Condiţia de prizonier al unui mediu social, al unei ideologii, al unei credinţe, e cel mai adesea preferată riscurilor libertăţii. Nimic nu apasă mai mult asupra individului decât condiţionarea socială. Cea mai rară formă de curaj nu e curajul fizic, ci curajul intelectual şi moral: capacitatea cuiva de a spune "nu" mediului său.
Mitul democraţiei - Lucian Boia (pp. 37-38)
Anyway - because we are readers, we don't have to wait for some communication executive to decide what we should think about next and how we should think about it.
Palm Sunday - Kurt Vonnegut
"How should I say... Because I know many other things, and one of them
is: if you are in the dark and notice even a weakest ray of light, you must
follow it instead of pondering whether or not it might make sense. Perhaps,
it doesn't in fact make sense. But sitting in the dark and doing nothing
doesn't make sense anyway. Do you understand the difference?"
Viktor Pelevin - Hermit and Sixfinger
La vision romantique d'une "chrétieneté" médievale imprégnée dans sa masse par la religion, vivant un "âge de la foi", est aujourd'hui abandonée par la plupart des historiens. Les splendeurs des cathédrales, des sommes et des saints, doivent être raportées a une culture élitaire, toujours minoritaire. La majorité vit, tout autant qu'aujourd'hui, dans un paganisme pratique, c'est-a-dire, dans une religiosité d'llure chretienne, mais substantielement fort eloignée du dogme.
Alain Besançon, Les origines intellectuelles du léninisme,
Gallimard 1996 (pag. 60)
L'idéologie ne se réduit pas au système d'idées. Elle est le regime soviétique lui-meme.
Alain Besançon, Les origines intellectuelles du léninisme
Pentru preistoria comunismului, este interesant să remarcăm că planeta roşie (numele poetic al lui Marte) a fost considerată de unii, pe la 1900, ca sediu posibil al unei lumi comuniste extraterestre. Culoarea îi era, aşadar, pe deplin justificată.
Lucian Boia - Mitologia ştiinţifică a comunismului, Humanitas 2005
I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes.
J.D. Salinger
Oh, honey, I'm so sorry that last Tuesday, I used the last paper towel without replacing the whole roll.
This little piggy stayed home, Stephen Pastis
You're an overt masochist. Nice treatment will confuse and destroy you
A Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole
"I began to think it probable that philosophy had erred in adopting heroic remedies for intellectual difficulties, and that solutions were to be found merely by greater care and accuracy. This view I have come to hold more and more strongly as time went on, and it has led me to doubt whether philosophy, as a study distinct from science and possesed of a method of its own, is anything more than an unfortunate legacy from thology."
Mitul democraţiei - Lucian Boia (pp. 37-38)
Anyway - because we are readers, we don't have to wait for some communication executive to decide what we should think about next and how we should think about it.
Palm Sunday - Kurt Vonnegut
"How should I say... Because I know many other things, and one of them
is: if you are in the dark and notice even a weakest ray of light, you must
follow it instead of pondering whether or not it might make sense. Perhaps,
it doesn't in fact make sense. But sitting in the dark and doing nothing
doesn't make sense anyway. Do you understand the difference?"
Viktor Pelevin - Hermit and Sixfinger
La vision romantique d'une "chrétieneté" médievale imprégnée dans sa masse par la religion, vivant un "âge de la foi", est aujourd'hui abandonée par la plupart des historiens. Les splendeurs des cathédrales, des sommes et des saints, doivent être raportées a une culture élitaire, toujours minoritaire. La majorité vit, tout autant qu'aujourd'hui, dans un paganisme pratique, c'est-a-dire, dans une religiosité d'llure chretienne, mais substantielement fort eloignée du dogme.
Alain Besançon, Les origines intellectuelles du léninisme,
Gallimard 1996 (pag. 60)
L'idéologie ne se réduit pas au système d'idées. Elle est le regime soviétique lui-meme.
Alain Besançon, Les origines intellectuelles du léninisme
Pentru preistoria comunismului, este interesant să remarcăm că planeta roşie (numele poetic al lui Marte) a fost considerată de unii, pe la 1900, ca sediu posibil al unei lumi comuniste extraterestre. Culoarea îi era, aşadar, pe deplin justificată.
Lucian Boia - Mitologia ştiinţifică a comunismului, Humanitas 2005
I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes.
J.D. Salinger
Oh, honey, I'm so sorry that last Tuesday, I used the last paper towel without replacing the whole roll.
This little piggy stayed home, Stephen Pastis
You're an overt masochist. Nice treatment will confuse and destroy you
A Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole
"I began to think it probable that philosophy had erred in adopting heroic remedies for intellectual difficulties, and that solutions were to be found merely by greater care and accuracy. This view I have come to hold more and more strongly as time went on, and it has led me to doubt whether philosophy, as a study distinct from science and possesed of a method of its own, is anything more than an unfortunate legacy from thology."
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